Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Lyft is starting to win me over!

Hi Folks,

  So if you are a passenger or have been a passenger of mine you might find this interesting. If you are thinking about driving for Lyft or Uber - or (preferably) both, I know you will find this interesting!!

 I am pretty much already doing this, I'm driving almost exclusively for Lyft.  There is an exception, however; when I am in Clarksville to drive I still run Uber sometimes.  That being said, even in Clarksville I still lean more heavily on Lyft.  I was looking at my driving history and check this out - since I started working both Lyft and Uber in August - (Prior to that I was only doing Uber) I have collected some data!

Here are my rides per week for Lyft during this time.

Notice that this is 11 weeks - and notice the last four weeks how much it's climbing.  That is because Lyft is offering bonuses and guarantees that Uber is not.  Lyft is enticing me to drive more for them!

I would throw up a comparison of Uber - but on the Uber website, I had a difficult time actually seeing this information anywhere.   But I was able to look at what I have earned from both companies during this time.  Check this out!

During the same 11 week period, I have made more money with Lyft than I have with Uber.  $184.04 more from Lyft than Uber in those 11 weeks to be exact.  Which is admittedly not a great deal - and I don't have a ride number comparison either but it is enough information for me to say that Lyft is definitely winning the battle for my loyalty right now.

Even driver referral bonuses are better with Lyft than Uber right now!  

Here is Uber's

Both still good bonuses - I mean an extra $200 is nothing to complain about - but look at the difference, if you are going to refer someone to drive for just one company which one do you choose?  


In this video I talk about how I'm starting to make the switch to Lyft!

A lot of information in this post so I'll end here but be sure to go over to my YouTube Channel and subscribe for frequent updates on my adventures and progress with ridesharing.  And I also play the Ukulele over there some lol.  

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